• Claim 8 PDUs / CPEs for PMI and ISACA members respectively.
  • Catch-up on the latest industry / Market / Technology / Process trends around Digital Disruption and Transformation
  • Listen to real world case studies from Agile, Automation, Cloudification and Digital masters from various industries
  • Network with IT, BPM, Automation, Process & Standards organizations who can play a key role in technology implementation and business transformation
  • Discover how digital masters are building business cases and acceleration with rapid adoption and are able to deliver on the ambidexterity (Delivering innovation and efficiency with the capability built on same set of people
  • Get to meet & greet the industry veterans shaping new strategies, game changers in creating leading edge technologies, crystal gazers into the future on important new trends
  • Listen to the challenges on Digital Transformation, understand the needs, including leading expertise on digital, Innovation, Technology, Delivery, Quality etc
  • Win attractive electronic gadgets