Want to Share Your Knowledge in SPIN?
Best way to share your expertise on any topic related to Software or Systems Process improvement is to give a SPIN talk. If you have expertise in a related area and if you feel that will help other IT professionals, you are invited to give a SPIN talk.
Want to Share Your Knowledge in SPIN?
- The topic must be related to Software or Systems process improvement and a timely issue of concern to our members. We want to hear about real-world topics. If you have an academic topic, we're interested in how it applies to the real world.
- The topic must be related to Software or Systems process improvement and a timely issue of concern to our members.
- We want to hear about real-world topics. If you have an academic topic, we're interested in how it applies to the real world.
- The topic should either explain how to do something, or make us think in another direction.
- The presenter should be intimately involved with the "hows" of the thing that got done.
- Please avoid any sales pitches or presentations of commercial products. The talk shall be of pure ‘how to’ information to our members.
- If you are interested in creating a panel, please suggest at least one panelist (along with your topic). We can work with you to find other panelists.
- Please send an abstract and your profile to president@spinchennai.org / admin@spinchennai. We’ll evaluate the abstract and get back to you as soon as possible.
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